Quiet to Noise

Jurg Frey from Wandelweiser
I think you should make time and space to go see the Dedalus Ensem­ble play Mon­day night, Sep­tem­ber 16, in the Wil­low Place Audi­to­rium, 26 Wil­low Place, Brook­lyn Heights. The con­cert begins at 8pm, and admis­sion is by dona­tion, but unlike the Met­ro­pol­i­tan Museum I encour­age you to be generous.
You should go because the com­posers pre­sented, includ­ing Antoine Beuger and Michael Pis­aro, guar­an­tee that this will be an evening of quiet music, I am cer­tain that you need more of it. Because not only is the world loud, but the world of music in New York is loud, and until you hear a lot of quiet music, you won’t really just how oppres­sive that loud­ness is.