mardi 20 août 2013

Call for ME3TING - September 14-16th

Dedalus invites New-York performers to join them for a meeting project.

After their Roulette concert dedicated to new American Music, Dedalus would like to share some pieces of its repertoire with New-York musicians.

There will be 2 rehearsal days (September 14th &15th) and a concert on the 16th at Willow Place Auditorium (26 Willow Place - Brooklyn, NY 11201).

We'll work, discuss and perform music by Tim Parkinson, John Lely, Tom Johnson, Luis Henrique Yudo, Jean-Luc Guionnet, Antoine Beuger, Michael Pisaro...

Please contact Dedalus ( if you want to participate and feel free to suggest to people you know who might be interested!

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